Becoming a Church Member

Find out all you need to know about church membership at Christ Church Liverpool.

We believe becoming a church member is radically counter-cultural and life giving

Anyone is welcome to attend and get involved in church life here, but if you have settled at Christ Church Liverpool, why not consider becoming a formal member?

Becoming a formal member means making a voluntary promise or covenant to associate yourself with a group of Christian believers.

It means committing to attend, pray for, give to and serve the church family. More than this though, choosing to be a formal member is a statement that you want the other members to help and support you in your Christian life. 

We believe that membership in a local church is a vital part of a Christian's spiritual life. 

And we believe it's a counter-cultural and life-giving commitment to make!

You can read about why we think it's important, who can become a member, and the process of becoming a member by following the link below.

Plugged In

Plugged In is a series of 7 short videos and an event to help you understand the beliefs and convictions which shape our church values, culture and practice. The videos are all between 13 and 18 minutes long (except one which is shorter).

When you sign up to Plugged In you'll receive a confirmation email containing links to the seven videos that you must watch before the meet-up discussion. We recommend that you set aside time to watch each one uninterrupted, and make notes and jot down questions if you'll find that helpful.

The Plugged In discussion takes place later, is around an hour, and is either in person or online. It happens a few times each year. The link below has the next date for the discussion.

We are flexible to make individual arrangements if you can't make the date below.

Sign Up

If you have any questions, OR WOuld like to become a member, please get in touch.