
Mission Prayer

  • Next Mission Prayer

    Mission Prayer is the second Sunday of the month between 3pm and 4.30pm.

    Check the calendar at the top of this page for any changes.

    Currently, we're hosting this meeting in person.

  • I have questions

    If you have any questions, please email the office and we will try to get back to you.


Manchester International Outreach

  • About Manchester International Outreach

    Every summer, hundreds of international students come to Manchester to study English or prepare their studies. Many of them will probably never have the opportunity to meet a Christian and hear the gospel in their country.

    Wouldn't it be wonderful if, while studying in the UK, they get the chance to be welcomed by Christians, hear the gospel and be saved?

    During the two weeks you will experience training, fellowship, friendship, witnessing students learn about Jesus, and participation in evangelistic bible studies!

  • Want to know more?

    If you would like to find out more, please visit the Friends International website.

  • I have questions

    If you have any questions, please get in touch.


Greece Missions Trip

  • About the Greece Trip

    Are you interested in Church planting or serving refugees in Greece for two weeks this Summer?

    We will be reaching people mostly from Afghanistan, Iran & other Middle Eastern countries, as Greece is known as a gateway to the West.

    We are planning to join “Operation Joshua' ,a national church planting catalyst movement bringing a New Testament to every home in Greece, this summer.

    Before and after Operation Joshua, in Athens, we will also see/ join in with some of the exciting ministries to refugees and learn about how people are connecting with them there.

    In the future, there will be many other opportunities are available to minister to refugees and work with church planting projects throughout the year, both short term and medium term.

  • 2025 Details

    When? The 2025 mission is being confirmed but usually it’s the beginning of July.

    Where? Starting in Athens, seeing ministries to refugees, then joining with others on Operation Joshua for training before travelling to a town for outreach activities.

    Preparation? We shall have team meetings for planning and training prior to any trip.

    Accommodation? TBC

    Costs: Approx £850 to £950. Fundraising possibilities are outlined in the Application Document.

    Contact: Sam Blower

  • Sign Up

    Please apply ASAP.

    If you'd like to come please submit an application form, and Sam will be in touch with you shortly.

  • More about Hellenic Ministries | Christ for Greece and the Nations
  • I have questions

    If you have any more questions, please get in touch with Sam using the button below.


Lebanon Missions | Tyre Church Relief

  • Lebanon Partnership Overview

    We're partnering with a local church in Tyre.

    We have been working in Lebanon for the last couple of years alongside Horizons International Mission and partnering with Tyre Church.

    People from Tyre Church and Horizons International mission have been on the ground taking humanitarian aid and sharing Gospel hope with people for years.

    With the ongoing war in the area, our physical trips have stopped but there is still plenty we can do to support our partners

  • Pray

    Please pray for Beirut and Lebanon. Here are some suggestions:

    * For the Lebanese people now: For food and aid to get to them.

    * For stability in the land: For governments of other countries & the UN to help make lasting change for good.

    * For the Lebanese government and all who have done wrong in this. Like Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10), all need, & can find, Jesus’ forgiveness and hope.

    * For all the people at Tyre Church and Horizons International mission. As well as physical aid, for God to open doors of opportunity for them to share the Gospel and that they will take every opportunity to do so.

    * For us at Christ Church Liverpool and others here overseas. For people here to help people there. Praying, giving, helping as we develop our partnership.

    * For those many Lebanese Maronite Christians wanting to leave - that they will discover the hope of the liberating love of our all-forgiving Jesus.

    * That people will be able to be Christian formally and share the Gospel in Lebanon legally into the future.

    * For God's glory. For the hope of the Gospel to spread and reconcile throughout the land and region.

  • Give

    There are multiple ways you can give to support our Lebanon ministries. Explore the info cards linked below to learn more or use the “Email Lindsay” button to ask questions.