Evening Services

A stripped back service focussed around a main teaching topic

Sunday evenings | 5.30-6.45pm | Christian Fellowship School

Evening services are smaller, more relaxed and relational

Our church survey has shown people are looking for a simple and relaxed feeling church meeting. Sunday mornings are big and busy and have to be organised - with the volume of people especially, and lots of people are also serving on teams.

Sunday evenings are a more organic church service, they're stripped back and focussed around one important topic of Christian living. It's a time for really dwelling in God’s word and connecting with people.

There's a lot more chance for chatting and getting to know others.

It's a great place to get to know people you don't get a chance to chat to on Sunday mornings.

This is ideal if you find Sunday mornings overwhelming, would like more freedom in worship, or want to make deeper connections with people.

a group goes for food in the city after the service each week

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