I'm New

Find out who we are and ways you can get involved.

Are you new to Christ Church Liverpool?

Our church community is made up of people from all walks of life. We're ordinary people, who have been brought together because of Jesus.

We love welcoming new people into church life to experience the church community and to grow in faith.

If you're looking for a church to settle at, or you're starting to explore faith, we'd love to meet you.

As a church we enjoy growing in knowing who God is and what he's done for us as revealed in the Bible, and expressing that through loving and serving others.

We meet on Sundays for morning and evening church services, and we meet in smaller groups across Liverpool during the week.

There is More | Welcome to Christ Church Liverpool (filmed before Covid-19)

Come along to a Sunday morning or evening service

We have a 'Hosting Team' who are ready to welcome everyone who comes, especially if you're new.

They will show you where to go and answer any questions you have. 

The service leader will also tell you where things are and anything you need to know.

How can I get involved?

The best starting places to get to know people are at the Hub and Welcome lunches.

The Hub (weekly on Thursday Evenings) is for anyone new to the church, to find a community to belong to in the city centre.

Welcome Lunches happen every week on Sundays after the morning service in people's home. You can sign up online in advance or on the day!

Subscribe to our fortnightly email

Subscribing to our fortnightly email will give you an idea of all that you can get involved with in church life.

We also share ways to 'Connect to Liverpool' ; we share places, events and local knowledge, as well as an 'I've been thinking about..' section with culturally engaged reflections and content.

We hope you enjoy it!

If you have any questions please use the form below

Note: We'll never share your details with third parties or spam you

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