Sunday Services

Service times, directions, and what to expect at our Sunday Services.

You're really Welcome

We want you to feel really welcome at Christ Church Liverpool, and find out all you need to know about Sunday Services here.

Our Sunday Service starts at 10.45am with arrival from 10.30am

We meet together at 10.30am to chat before the service which starts at 10.45am.

The Service is Livestreamed on YouTube every Sunday at 10:45AM.


There is a car park where you can park for free.

When you arrive at the school a Christ Church Liverpool flag will mark the entrance and car parking stewards will direct you.

What can I expect?

The 'Hosting Team' will show you where to go

A 'Hosting Team' welcomes everyone who comes, especially if you're new.

They will show you where to go and answer any questions you have.

The service leader will also tell you how things run, and where the toilets are.

How long is a service?

A complete service is about 1h 15 minutes.

What happens in a service?

Services begin with a welcome, a Bible reading and then the band will lead the church music.

Song lyrics are projected onto a screen so you can sing along and/or engage with worship however you feel most comfortable.

There' s a slot for children and then they go to Kid's groups while the service continues in the main hall for the adults.

At this point one of our church leaders will give a talk to share an encouraging and hope-filled message about Jesus that lasts about 25-30 minutes.

What's the culture like?

Sundays at Christ Church Liverpool are exciting, casual, and relaxed.

What's it like for Children?

We believe kids should have a blast at church every single week - it's a priority for us!

Christ Church Kids is on every Sunday for 0- 11 year olds.

You’ll want to leave yourself an extra ten minutes to get signed in for the Christ Church Kids experience.

For all the details visit the Kid's Ministry page.

We normally have a stripped back Evening Service at 5.30pm, however, the 7th of July is our only evening service for the summer!

Do get in touch if you have any questions