Greece Trip 2024

Interested in going to Greece this Summer?

Are you interested in Church planting or serving refugees in Greece for two weeks?

We will be reaching people mostly from Afghanistan, Iran & other Middle Eastern countries, as Greece is known as a gateway to the West.

We are planning to join “Operation Joshua' ,a national church planting catalyst movement bringing a New Testament to every home in Greece, this summer.

Before and after Operation Joshua, in Athens, we will also see/ join in with some of the exciting ministries to refugees

and learn about how people are connecting with them there.

In the future, there will be many other opportunities are available to minister to refugees and work with church planting projects throughout the year, both short term and medium term.

TRIP Details

When? 29 June to 13 July 2024 (+/- 1 day depending on flights!)

Where? Starting in Athens, seeing ministries to refugees, then joining with others on Operation Joshua for training before travelling to a town for outreach activities.

Preparation? We shall have team meetings for planning and training prior to any trip.

Accommodation? TBC

Costs: Approx £850 to £950. Fundraising possibilities are outlined in the Application Document.

Contact: Sam Blower

please apply asap

If you'd like to come please submit an application form, and Sam will be in touch with you shortly

If you have any more questions, please get in touch with Sam

LINKS for more about hellenic ministries