Prayer Points for Lebanon

Here's what we've been praying for and how you can join in supporting through prayer.

Prayer Points

  • Please pray for peace in ongoing conflict in Middle East, for calming of tensions between Israel and Hezbollah. Many of our friends have had missiles landing near their house, please pray for their continued safety.

  • Pray for Tyre Church with the passing of Mohammad, its pastor, as they settle into the new shape there. Pray God will bless his work for good there. 

  • Thank God that in His timing we were able to visit last year and take out many kind donations.

  • Pray for our friends in the local church in Tyre for their safety as they continue to serve the local community, and thankfulness for their example of faithfully trusting that God is in control despite difficult circumstances.

  • Pray for the leaders of Tyre church. Pray for God to grant them wisdom and strength in knowing how to care for their local community, to persevere in extremely difficult circumstances, and what is safe for their church.  

  • Please pray for the gospel to continue to grow and bear fruit, and be a light in the darkness and uncertainty of their current situation.

  • Praise God for multiple small but growing home churches that have begun among some families in a place where Hezbollah’s presence is felt heavily. There has never been a church there before, but God is working through “the little people” (as he usually does) to bring more and more people to faith in Jesus. Pray for our friends in knowing how best to support and disciple them as they visit them each week. Pray for the new believers that they would have joy in the Lord Jesus, despite severe persecution, and to put down deep roots in Him and His word.

  • Please pray, particularly given the terrible economic situation and hardship, for wisdom in focus and for the help Tyre Church needs.  

  • Pray ⁠that we may be able to send a willing and enthusiastic team again soon, but that in the meantime we would be able to continue to love and serve them from here.