Manchester International Outreach 2024

Manchester International Outreach

Every summer, hundreds of international students come to Manchester to study English or prepare their studies.  Many of them will probably never have the opportunity to meet a Christian and hear the gospel in their country. 

Wouldn't it be wonderful if, while studying in the UK, they get the chance to be welcomed by Christians, hear the gospel and be saved?

During the two weeks you will experience training, fellowship, friendship, witnessing students learn about Jesus, and participation in evangelistic bible studies!

2024 details

When? 29th of June to the 13th July 2024

Where? Manchester

Accommodation? Bed and breakfast with host families in Manchester.

Costs: £85 if you sign up before April 30th and £105 after discounts are available in cases of financial hardship via the CCL Application Form.

Please fill in the MIO form to sign up!

To register your application with Christ Church, please complete the CCL form below.

It is important to complete both forms, so that we know you plan to come!

If you would like to find out more, please visit the Friends International website.

If you have any questions, please get in touch